Privacy Policy

This document serves as the Fantasy Cricket Privacy Policy for Strikerspot. The entity responsible for the operation of this website, ( (referred to as "Site"), along with any associated mobile apps ("Apps"), is (Strikerspot) ("Strikerspot", "we", "us", or "our"). Our commitment is to safeguard your privacy and ensure the security of your information. By utilizing Strikerspot, you acknowledge and consent to the collection, usage, and protection of your personal data in accordance with the terms outlined in this policy. Prior to accessing our site, we urge you to review our Privacy Policy in its entirety. Your continued use of our site constitutes acceptance of the guidelines set forth in this policy.


We gather personally identifiable information from Users when they visit our Site, subscribe to the newsletter, or engage in other activities. This data may include names and email addresses. Users have the choice to browse our Site anonymously, and the sharing of personally identifiable information is entirely voluntary. Users may opt not to provide such details, although this may restrict their involvement in certain site-related activities.

During their interactions with our Site, Users may furnish us with non-personally identifiable information. This data may include browser names, device types, and technical details regarding the User's connection, such as operating systems and Internet service providers.


We give utmost importance to safeguarding the privacy of your personal data and refrain from sharing it with third parties unless you expressly permit us to do so. However, upon registering on our Website or App, you grant us authorization to utilize and disclose your personal information. Under specific circumstances, we may be required to divulge your details in accordance with legal requirements. Our main objectives in using your information are to enhance our services, elevate your overall website experience, and keep you updated about new offers, products, and services related to Fantasy Cricket.


Sensitive personal data might be disclosed without user consent under particular circumstances:

Legal Obligations:

Information may be shared as mandated by law, court orders, or governmental agencies for purposes like identity verification, preventing cyber incidents, or prosecuting crimes. This disclosure is made in good faith to comply with applicable laws.

Internal Communication:

To process personal information on our behalf, we may share it with officials and staff within our group of companies. These recipients are obligated to adhere to our instructions, Privacy Policy, and any additional security measures.


We utilize security protocols to thwart unauthorized access, data leaks, or data destruction. Internal audits oversee data collection, storage, processing, and security measures, including physical safeguards and encryption, to counter unauthorized system access.

The information collected by our website and application is securely stored in a controlled database. Access is restricted to authorized users through a password-protected firewall. While no security system is impervious, we are committed to upholding a high level of protection.


To better understand the preferences of our visitors, we may utilize "cookies" or similar electronic tools. These tools assign a unique, random number, acting as a User Identification (User ID). Even if you voluntarily provide your identity, our cookies maintain your anonymity (via registration), and no data is stored on your device. We do not control the cookies set by advertisers when you interact with their ads.

When you visit Strikerspot, our web servers automatically record specific information, including your IP address, associated with your computer's Internet connection. Your IP address does not personally identify you. This information may be used by Strikerspot to deliver requested web pages or enhance the website based on visitor preferences.


To sign up with Children's Protection Strikerspot, individuals are required to furnish personal details, including their age. Participation in Strikerspot is prohibited for those under 18 years old. The website operator retains the authority to verify the accuracy of information provided by users. Should a minor (under 18) be discovered using falsified information to access Strikerspot, they will face a ban and be prohibited from future access.


Strikerspot features links to external websites, each governed by its own privacy policies, beyond the control of Strikerspot. Once users navigate away from Strikerspot servers, any information they submit is subject to the privacy policies of the visited website's operator. Users can identify the website's domain by checking the URL displayed in their browser's address bar.

These policies may vary from those of Strikerspot. If users cannot access the privacy policies of these external sites via a homepage link, they are encouraged to directly contact the respective websites for clarification. Strikerspot disclaims responsibility for the privacy policies or content found on external sites.


Our commitment extends to retaining your personal information only for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as mandated by applicable laws, regulations, contractual agreements, or other legitimate business considerations, whichever is shorter. Your personal data will not be utilized to initiate, support, or defend legal claims.


You agree that this Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of India, without that this Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of India, without the application of conflict of laws principles. Any claim arising from or related to the Republic of India shall be addressed according to the terms and conditions herein.


Data Access: Users have the right to access and request a copy of the personal information collected by the website.

Data Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their personal data, subject to legal obligations.

Data Consent: Users have the option to revoke their consent for the processing of their data at any time.


Your use of our website indicates that you accept our privacy policies.


Strikerspot retains the authority to amend this privacy statement at any time and under any circumstances. Upon such modifications, we will promptly post a notification on the main page of our website. Users are encouraged to regularly check this page for updates, ensuring they stay informed about our data protection measures. By continuing to use our services, you agree to periodically review this privacy policy, stay informed about any changes, and abide by its provisions.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our practices, privacy policy, or website usage, please feel free to reach out to us at (